Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mr. Clean

Los Feliz

Dear Workman on Vermont Avenue hanging a sign on an early Saturday morning,

Thank you for smelling like clean laundry, the scent let me know that someone takes good care of you.

Well pressed!

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Bike Girl


Dear Girl Riding a Bike on Fountain Avenue wearing baggy denim shorts, wide belt, loose tank-top and awesome sunglasses,

Thank you for looking exactly like someone The Satorialist would take a picture of, you almost made me want to learn how to ride a bike.

Keep On Rockin' It Baby!

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Dear B-List Actor who held the door open and pretended he worked there,

You should know that two of the things I always admire in a man are having a door held open for me and a sense of humor.

Thank you!

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Construction Ahead

East Hollywood

Dear Construction Worker on Sunset Boulevard,

Thank you for being so intent.  I appreciate the way you marched, with purpose, into the middle of the road waving your stop sign.  Your stride was perfectly in sync with the song playing on my radio, it was like having a ten second, real life, movie play out right in front of my eyes.


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Thursday, June 23, 2011


Beverly Hills During Rush Hour

Dear Angry Man in the black Chevy Impala on Santa Monica Boulevard,

I appreciate the fact that you didn't rear end me, but you anger scared me.  You should know that although I don't make traffic laws nor enforce them, I do however abide by them.  You finger pointing/wagging/flipping was completely uncalled for.  I hope you enjoyed your takeout dinner that, as you so kindly tried to show me, ended up on the floor while you were not paying attention to the rules of the road.

Drive Friendly!

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